Support order issued without my appearance in court to defend my ability to pay.

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Good day ladies and gents,

My ex lives in Utah. I took a job in Phoenix, AZ installing satellite dishes for DirecTV and moved there in April 2009. The Job was Temporary and later took a job in Portland, OR doing the same thing. While after a year of our separation (never married) i was served in Portland to appear in court in SLC, UT to defend myself in a case to establish Custody and Support in June, 2010.

my luck has it that the company whom hired me in Portland laid me off for lack of sales which left me unemployed and homeless just after 2 months being there. I Sold everything i had just to get back to Phoenix where i had friends to give me a roof over my head. All along i was unable to make it back to Utah, for 1)lack of funds to get me there, 2) lack of housing after i got there!

The judge found on my X behalf for $1071 support plus $346 in daycare total financial obligation of $1417/mo. She of corse got full custody, changed her number, address, and i have not even spoken to either one of my kids in 2 years now!

I had no other choice but to move back home in FL where i was raised and living with my sister. i got another Job doing satellite installations for DirecTV in FL. I am a subcontractor and the Contractor got garnish notice to take 50% of each check. He terminated my employment (contract) with the statement after the garnishment i would not have enough to not only live but more importantly pay for the materials i would need to do my job... IE Gas, Phone, Coax Cable, all installation materials, GL insurance along with Business policy for my truck! He specifically told me he is covering his ass by just letting me go vs getting involved with the state of FL and more accounting time when processing my check each week!

So 2 months later i get a letter in the mail form the state of FL threatening the suspension of my FL DL! I disputed the state of FL and went to court and pleaded my case for not suspending my lic. and luckly the judge found in my favor not to, however this will only buy me very little time while i find another JOB! In the meanwhile while i am trying to pick up the pieces so i can support my kiddo's i can barely support myself! No one wants to listen or care that it is one thing if you have the means to pay, and a complete difference when you don't!

Ultimately what i have learned thus far is that i need to get my ass back in front of a judge in Salt Lake City, UT! The problem is i cannot afford it! I just found out that i could have done a Phone hearing with the judge while i was out of state. If i had only known that, this would have saved allot of head ache.

I have 2 other children outside of this case where my Court ordered support payment is only $111/mo for my oldest child and $78/mo for my second oldest child. Both ordered by the state of Utah. But when it comes to my two youngest children all because i was not there in court, is $1417/mo!

This is ridiculous! Almost 3 years have gone by and i find myself still in the same situation! Does anyone have any suggestions on...
1) How can i petition the Family court in SLC, UT to get the support changed and retroactively changed?
2) Keep in mind i am unemployed with no money!
3) That means i cannot afford a attorney so please don't recommend me to one unless they are a charity organization!
4) Also remember i am in FL.

Please if you are reading this and know of any organizations whom can help me would leave me in great debt to you!
I am a proud father whom misses my kids terribly! My Ex has Kid napped my kids Legally if that makes any sense to any of you, just imagine if you went to work out of town to provide for your kids the best you could and a year later you had them taken from you and not even allowed a phone call, and when the day is said and done i am the deadbeat parent!!!!
Good day ladies and gents,
This is ridiculous! Almost 3 years have gone by and i find myself still in the same situation! Does anyone have any suggestions on...
1) How can i petition the Family court in SLC, UT to get the support changed and retroactively changed?
2) Keep in mind i am unemployed with no money!
3) That means i cannot afford a attorney so please don't recommend me to one unless they are a charity organization!
4) Also remember i am in FL.

Please if you are reading this and know of any organizations whom can help me would leave me in great debt to you!
I am a proud father whom misses my kids terribly! My Ex has Kid napped my kids Legally if that makes any sense to any of you, just imagine if you went to work out of town to provide for your kids the best you could and a year later you had them taken from you and not even allowed a phone call, and when the day is said and done i am the deadbeat parent!!!!

You are NOT going to like my answer, but here it is.

The court doesn't care if you can't pay.

The court only cares that you owe, and haven't paid.

If you continue to remain in arrears on the child support order, it will only get worse for you.

You can eventually be arrested and jailed.

Yes, it doesn't make sense, but that's the way the game is played.

Even if you returned to Utah, argued for lower payments, it would fall on deaf ears.


In Utah, parents are obligated to support a minor child until the child turns age 18 or graduates from high school, whichever occurs first.

In it's discretion, a court in Utah may order support until the child reaches age 21.

Have you established paternity via DNA testing?

That might be your way out, if you aren't the "baby daddy".

You can call Maury Povich, and he'll fly you out to CT, pay your expenses, and hers; and provide the test to prove who is the "baby daddy". Maury will even give you free counseling and you'll walk away with some appearance money. Why not call Maury?

Do you need a DNA test to prove to someone that you are NOT the biological father?

Call (888) 456-2879

Here are a couple of child support calculators.
They can tell you if you are paying too much.
It is unlikely, but you can check it for yourself.
A link to the Utah child support law has also been provided.

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1. You can't. You chose not to turn up in court - your problem, not the court's problem.

2. Not the court's problem.

3. Oh..alright then.

4. Nobody kidnapped the children.

Seriously Dad, you've had two years to do something, correct? The court isn't going to revisit either issue now, unless there has been a change of circumstance.
WOW! Neither one of you addressed the other issue which weighs more heavy on my mind than any other and that is my "RELATIONSHIP" with my boys! I have been denied "ALL" contact with them yet I hold in my hands a court order for Visitation rights and phone calls, address, location, But I guess the Court does not care about that either by the sounds of this groups advice or shall I say, "OPINION"!!!!

I guess the court would not care that they gave her a jugement for support while both of us were on the same state assistance case for medicare and Food stamps?

I guess the court would not care that she just got pulled over and sighted for DUI while my kids where in the Car?

I guess the court would not care that she owned a business grossing over 100K while on state assistance?

There are allot more layers to this onion than what the two of you Moderators are aware of. I have just got done reviewing the laws on another site provided by the state of Utah and found more helpful concrete information and how do i say very promising!

Going on the Maurey show is not an answer to the problems! Theses boys are mine and i do not need a DNA test to prove it! I might add that just your comment for me to bring my boys on the show, make a spectacle of them so that one of their class mates/piers can ridicule or make fun of them because of adult issues on a TV show for "YOUR" amusement is UNCALLED FOR! I am appalled that you would even make such a suggestion! If either of you have any ounce of experience in Family law you both should know to leave the kids out and exclude them from any and all confrontations of negativity!

After reviewing the facts i can tell the facts are all laid on the table in my case... I went to the wrong Forum... Thanks for the wrong advice! I am just wasting yours and my valuable time. It appears different when your outside of the box looking in!

Good luck to all of your advice with future clients! Considering this websites main goal is to provide refferals to Legitamate attourneys! You just scared off one customer by your juvenile replies! I am glad you did, now i won't waiste any more of your or my time!
Wow, I guess you told me, mister.
I'm feeling, so, so, bemused.
Naw, I'm just joshing you, pal.
See, there you go, bad mouthing one of the women you chose to breed.
That won't help you pay a dime of the thousands of dollars you owe her.
Here's a thought, if she were to come on here asking how to collect her money from you, I'd represent her pro bono.
I'd also have my good friend, who's also a lawyer, have his firm do me a favor; and levy against you.
See, if you hadn't mouthed off, I might have made you that fine offer.
You'll never see this though, because you've gone to another site. ;)
LOL. :)

Sent from my iPad3 using Tapatalk HD
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The reason you have no visitation is because you never showed up for court to request it. I suggest you find a way to get your tail to Utah, file for modification of support and visitation. Be prepared to come up with a significant portion of the support you have not payed over the years.
WOW! Neither one of you addressed the other issue which weighs more heavy on my mind than any other and that is my "RELATIONSHIP" with my boys! I have been denied "ALL" contact with them yet I hold in my hands a court order for Visitation rights and phone calls, address, location, But I guess the Court does not care about that either by the sounds of this groups advice or shall I say, "OPINION"!!!!

But what have you DONE about it? Further, you're the one who made this ALL about the money. :confused:

I guess the court would not care that they gave her a jugement for support while both of us were on the same state assistance case for medicare and Food stamps?

They're entitled to do that - the State wants its money back, for starters. That you didn't turn up for court isn't their problem.

I guess the court would not care that she just got pulled over and sighted for DUI while my kids where in the Car?

And you did what about this?

I guess the court would not care that she owned a business grossing over 100K while on state assistance?

And you did what about this? (By the way, a business grossing 100k could easy have its profits eaten up before being able to pay the owner a salary).

There are allot more layers to this onion than what the two of you Moderators are aware of. I have just got done reviewing the laws on another site provided by the state of Utah and found more helpful concrete information and how do i say very promising!

Yes, yes, I'm sure you have.

Going on the Maurey show is not an answer to the problems! Theses boys are mine and i do not need a DNA test to prove it! I might add that just your comment for me to bring my boys on the show, make a spectacle of them so that one of their class mates/piers can ridicule or make fun of them because of adult issues on a TV show for "YOUR" amusement is UNCALLED FOR! I am appalled that you would even make such a suggestion! If either of you have any ounce of experience in Family law you both should know to leave the kids out and exclude them from any and all confrontations of negativity!

After reviewing the facts i can tell the facts are all laid on the table in my case... I went to the wrong Forum... Thanks for the wrong advice! I am just wasting yours and my valuable time. It appears different when your outside of the box looking in!

Good luck to all of your advice with future clients! Considering this websites main goal is to provide refferals to Legitamate attourneys! You just scared off one customer by your juvenile replies! I am glad you did, now i won't waiste any more of your or my time!

I'll repeat.

High tail it back to court IF you have a change in circumstance. Not turning up the first time is NOT a reason to revisit the issue.

You're welcome!
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