educational and daily living expenses are considered covered in a child support order.
IF however you are talking about the parent wishing to have the child attend a private institution or something along those lines where additional expenses (tuition, books, uniforms) would be incurred above "normal", then the parties could come to an agreement and prepare an agreed order, or petition the courts for a modification based on a change in circumstances (tuition for private school). I don't believe you could get an increase if the child is going to attend public school though (you didn't give enough detail to give any more advice than this though).
Also, take into consideration that the order has already been set according to the state's guidelines based upon his earnings and his ability to pay, so it is not likely that it would be set any higher by the court than it is now. You say "recently", but you don't mention how long ago the order was made. Most states allow a review if an order has been in effect for two years, so if it has been two years since the child support order has been modified, it can be reviewed.