support pmt on hold/will we get back pay

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my step son was dropped off by his mother, three months ago. We were finally able to get a court date for custody (he is 16). DOR has put all support payments on hold from today forward. Will she be forced to pay back the support she took for the three months he was not with her? (we live in Mass). She would not agree to sign him over prior to getting a court date. Now that we have a date, she has agreed to give us custody.
my step son was dropped off by his mother, three months ago. We were finally able to get a court date for custody (he is 16). DOR has put all support payments on hold from today forward. Will she be forced to pay back the support she took for the three months he was not with her? (we live in Mass). She would not agree to sign him over prior to getting a court date. Now that we have a date, she has agreed to give us custody.

I go t that from your own statements notice the portion in bold
Ok so what is your question then?
Will she be forced to pay back the support she took for the three months he was not with her?

Hmmm.. the question, usually ends with a question mark...
Will she be forced to pay back the support she took for the three months he was not with her?

Hmmm.. the question, usually ends with a question mark...

Well in that case, the answer is simple:


When you come to a forum looking for help, it generally behooves you to behave with some decorum. :yes:
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