Surcharge Appeal Massachusetts

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I'm deciding whether I should appeal a surcharge for a minor at fault accident in MA and would like some advice.

The accident: I rolled into someone in a construction zone (less than 5mph). It was my fault but I only left a small grease mark on his bumper. I was surprised when I was issued a surcharge. (And worried because I can't really afford the premium.)

When I called my insurance agent I was told the claim was for @$600 and involved 2 days car rental for the otehr driver. I'm baffeled as to how I did that much damage to the other drivers car. Since the minimum payout to be issued a 'minor at fault surcharge' is $500 the agent suggested I appeal it.

I called back today to get copies of the other drivers claim, so I could see what damages his insurance company claimed. I was told by a different agent that the isurance company couldn't give it to me because its "not public record".

If I choose to appeal, I'm not sure how I can make the case as I don't know what daamge is claimed to have been done. Its a catch 22.

Is it worth appealing? Any suggestions about what to say when I go to the hearing?
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