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New Member
Why does Texas have to gouge on surcharges for tickets that have been paid for*By this I mean as in jail time being served*As far as what is known nobody is supposed to be released (while incarcerated) if any traffic violations are owed or unpaid*Serving time should be and is considered payment for such traffic violation*I had to see a judge in person to have a ticket removed that should have been done (paid for) while serving time to begin with*After the judge cleared my ticket for serving time there was another issue of Surcharges I knew nothing about*Now paying surcharges for three years*Not to mention possibly facing Reinstatement Fees and or an SR 22*Wheres the "And Justice For All"when we pledge allegiance?*Is it in the States Vacation Fund at our expense*Is there anything a person can do other than getting taken to the cleaners.*
Yes, a person can do two things:
Lobby your legislators to change the laws
Drive safely, always obeying ALL laws.
I always thought "Surcharges" were for "Repeat Offenders" Not for a One Time Traffic Ticket" Does anyone out there know if surcharges can be suspended if someone is paying surcharges by mistake for a One Time Traffic Ticket?

I always thought "Surcharges" were for "Repeat Offenders" Not for a One Time Traffic Ticket" Does anyone out there know if surcharges can be suspended if someone is paying surcharges by mistake for a One Time Traffic Ticket?
Consider the source and review the post
I always thought "Surcharges" were for "Repeat Offenders" Not for a One Time Traffic Ticket" Does anyone out there know if surcharges can be suspended if someone is paying surcharges by mistake for a One Time Traffic Ticket?

You thoughts are incorrect, OP.

I always READ EVERYTHING before posting ANYTHING.

Anyone convicted of a Texas traffic offense is required to pay a surcharge.

The surcharge exists to drive MORE revenue for the Republic of Texas.
That's just my take.
The Republic's officials have a different take on the surcharge.

The Driver Responsibility Program establishes a system that authorizes the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to assess surcharges to an individual based on certain traffic offenses that have occurred on or after September 1, 2003. Individuals are notified by mail each time a surcharge is added to their driver record. Surcharges are in addition to other fees and do not replace a suspension, revocation, denial, disqualification or cancellation resulting from the same conviction.

If the surcharge is not paid, the Department of Public Safety will suspend your driving privileges in Texas. This prevents issuance of a Texas driver license, and may also affect your ability to obtain or renew a driver license in another state. It will also impact your ability to obtain automobile insurance at a reasonable cost.

If your driving privileges are suspended, you can do the following:

You may check your driver license compliance and eligibility for issuance by visiting and following the instructions on the website. You may alternatively contact the Texas Department of Public Safety customer service center at (512) 424-2600.

NOTE: The surcharge is in addition to all other reinstatement fees and does not replace other suspension, revocation, disqualification or cancellation actions that result from the same convictions.

Indigency and Incentive Programs

DPS offers an Indigency Program that reduces surcharges owed for some individuals with incomes at or below 125 percent of the federal poverty guidelines.


Only surcharges assessed on or after September 30, 2004 are eligible for a reduction.

To learn more about eligibility requirements, poverty guidelines, and the application process, visit or call 866-223-3583.

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