SureDeposit Used on Security Deposit

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New Member
In May, 2009, I moved into an apartment in the Cincinnati, OH, area. The apartment offered me a "no deposit" offer - the apartment manager stated this was due to our (husband and my) good credit and the referral from our last apartment manager.

We moved out in May, 2010, after satisfying our lease. In July, 2010, I contacted the apartment manager to find out why I had not received any information on the apartment (we left the apartment with a five to six inch stain in the master bedroom, which we informed the manager of upon leaving, and were expecting a bill for the replacement of that carpet.) At the time of my call in July the manager said she had sent us a letter in June, 2010, and we owed $747.00. I asked why the carpet in the master bedroom cost that much: she stated they had to replace the entire apartment's carpet.

I told her that we had pictures of the carpet, and were only willing to pay for the master bedroom. I asked at that time for a itemized bill for the entire apartment's carpet. The bill came on July 10th with a letter stating they wanted immediate payment, or they would be sending this "...against your SureDeposit bond."

This was the first time I heard of such a bond. I signed NO paperwork for a bond. I was told that the deposit was waived due to our credit and references, NOT that a bond was placed on the apartment (Or us, however this bond works). I informed her that we were will to pay for the carpet in the bedroom, figured out the carpet cost for the one room based on the sq. ft of the room and the cost of the carpet per the bill. This offer was a little under half of what they are asking for. Instead, we received four letters from "National Credit Systems, inc." on behalf of the SureDeposit company.

Each letter is for a different account number: two under my name and two under my husband's name. One for each of us is for $500, and one for each of us for $241.87. In total, that's $1,483.74: double the amount of the apartment manager's bill. I believe they are billing us twice: one under my husband and one for me.

I would like to call someone and get this straightened out. We are willing to pay for at least the carpet in the master bedroom: but I am CERTAINLY not going to pay double, or allow this to sit on our credit reports. Who should I attempt to contact: the National Credit Systems representatives, SureDeposit (Whom I have no information on), the apartment manager, or the property owners (the apartment is owned by a property management company)? What type of information should I be looking for or questions should I be asking to get this cleared up?

I am afraid of sending a check only to find out six months from now that they're still considering us outstanding because they have multiple accounts under multiple names.

Thank you in advance for any advice.
You should have referred to your contract and read the fine print on move-in. When you resolve the issue, they should clear the accounts. You may need to pay an attorney or wait until they sue you.
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