Suspended Driver's License - Wanting to Become Certified EMT?

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My boyfriend is looking into becoming an EMT-B; his driver's license is suspended until August 2012 (because of underage drinking, two years ago - nothing to do with actually driving). By the time he would test to be certified, his driver's license would be reinstated, and he is currently able to legally drive in any state other than Pennsylvania. Should he expect any issues in becoming certified because of this? He is also curious to know if the fact that his driver's license has been suspended will affect his ability to find a job in this field (in any of the 50 states) once he is certified. Any info on this subject would be very helpful; thanks in advance!
Actually, he is not legally able to drive in any state. He is apparently illegally driving on a license application he falsified. All states require you to certify your license is not under suspension in another state. His prior conviction and its outcome might affect his ability to be employed in a medical transport capacity.
It will not effect his emt certification, but it may effect his ability to obtain employment as an emt.
So long as he applies for positions that do not require him to drive it should not factor in.
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