T.V. Falls Off Store Shelf and Hits Me In the Head

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My husband was shopping at large retail electronics store on Friday, 11/28/08
He was looking at a T.V. and while just standing in the isle looking at the T.V., a store employee was on the other side of the isle on a ladder trying to reach boxes of T.V.'s on a high storage shelf. The store employee pushed 2 T.V.'s off on top of my husband's head. Another store employee witnessed the incident. We filled out an accident report with the store. My husband refused to go to the doctor but went home and was not "with it" the rest of the day. I feel like he had a slight concussion. He is 60 years old. We feel the store should compensate him in some way. He called the store yesterday and asked for a copy of the accident report (faxed) but never received it. Advice, please?? Should we go to an attorney?
He needs to go to the doctor for documentation of his injury. If he does not have any long term injuries they should at least compensate you for the medical bill. If he does have some sort of a head injury, consult with an attorney.
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