My four-year-old daughter and I recently moved to California from Virginia without the permission of my ex. We have been separated for a long time, but we had only been in California for about two months before he convinced me to send her back for a visit. She was supposed to stay with him until December so they could spend the holidays together, but I received a call from someone I trust (his roommate) saying that she isn't being taken care of. He is leaving her unattended all day while he sleeps, the house is disgusting, he's leaving her with strange men, and she is asking to come home, but is too scared to ask me. He has her afraid to tell me the truth. He coaches her in everything she says. I want to go get her from Virginia but he is threatening to file kidnapping charges against me if I go take her from him. What can I do to get her back and keep him from filing kidnapping charges?