taking Landlord to small claims

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New Member
My ex-landlord is keeping our security deposit, sent a paper from the "landlord protection agency" online, that listed several things a landlord could charge a tenant if they don't take care of the house. On that paper he circled things he supposedly did e.g. window cleaning x9 ($11 each), drip bowl replacement on the oven $28, door replacement $155, blind replacement $75, carpet cleaning x2 rooms each $75, flea extermination $375 (we had monthly pest controll indoor and outdoor which the landlord provided, and I have monthly flea controll on my pets) and several other things, and he stated these things exceed our $1100 deposit.

The notice he send to us was not dated, and not signed, and according to the Florida statues, he left out a very important message, he "forgot" to mention that I had 2 weeks to oppose. Anyways, I called him the day I received his notice, left him a message that I don't agree with his claims, of course he did not call back.
I wrote him a letter which I notarized, sent by certified mail with return receipt, which arrived at his house within the 2 weeks I had to oppose, but he was not there or refused to take it, who knows. But of course I have proofe that the attempt was made to deliver it. He also never went to the post office to pick the letter up. I made the post office redeliver, and his wife actually signed for it. In the meantime, we went to the new renters, and get this: all the things he supposedly did (replace the door, replace the dripbowls, replace the blinds...) he did not do! The old door is still there (the cat door we installed is in there), the old, used drip bowls are still there, and so on. We took pictures!!!
Anyways, my question though is, since my letter was acually not physically received within the 2 weeks I had to oppose, (just attempted to deliver), will I still be able to take him to small claims? I mean it is not my fault that he never went to pick up my letter from the post office, the notice was left with him that he had a letter waiting for him at the post office that required his signiture!
I just am thrilled that I have proof that he lied to us about his claims!!!
Anyways, what do you think?
Thank you so much
My ex-landlord is keeping our security deposit, sent a paper from the "landlord protection agency" online, that listed several things a landlord could charge a tenant if they don't take care of the house. On that paper he circled things he supposedly did e.g. window cleaning x9 ($11 each), drip bowl replacement on the oven $28, door replacement $155, blind replacement $75, carpet cleaning x2 rooms each $75, flea extermination $375 (we had monthly pest controll indoor and outdoor which the landlord provided, and I have monthly flea controll on my pets) and several other things, and he stated these things exceed our $1100 deposit.

The notice he send to us was not dated, and not signed, and according to the Florida statues, he left out a very important message, he "forgot" to mention that I had 2 weeks to oppose. Anyways, I called him the day I received his notice, left him a message that I don't agree with his claims, of course he did not call back.
I wrote him a letter which I notarized, sent by certified mail with return receipt, which arrived at his house within the 2 weeks I had to oppose, but he was not there or refused to take it, who knows. But of course I have proofe that the attempt was made to deliver it. He also never went to the post office to pick the letter up. I made the post office redeliver, and his wife actually signed for it. In the meantime, we went to the new renters, and get this: all the things he supposedly did (replace the door, replace the dripbowls, replace the blinds...) he did not do! The old door is still there (the cat door we installed is in there), the old, used drip bowls are still there, and so on. We took pictures!!!
Anyways, my question though is, since my letter was acually not physically received within the 2 weeks I had to oppose, (just attempted to deliver), will I still be able to take him to small claims? I mean it is not my fault that he never went to pick up my letter from the post office, the notice was left with him that he had a letter waiting for him at the post office that required his signiture!
I just am thrilled that I have proof that he lied to us about his claims!!!
Anyways, what do you think?
Thank you so much

It seems as if you've dotted all your "i's" and crossed your "t's".
You can always take anyone to court, especially small claims.
Be prepared to collect on your judgment.
Winning is MUCH easier than collecting in small claims.
Heck, you might win by default.
You only walk out of small claims court with a judgment.
You then have to take several affirmative steps to BEGIN a lengthy collections process.
That collections process, will often end in a futile effort.
Anyway, good luck!
hm, I see. Well, could I get him a step above small claims court for fraud? Since he was lying about these claims? He stated " these are the things I had to do to get the property rental ready" claims he used my money for it, but in reallity he did not do these things and kept my money anyways?
hm, I see. Well, could I get him a step above small claims court for fraud? Since he was lying about these claims? He stated " these are the things I had to do to get the property rental ready" claims he used my money for it, but in reallity he did not do these things and kept my money anyways?

You're mixing civil actions with criminal actions.
If you believe he has committed a crime (you would know better than I), file a police report.
I don't see any criminal actions here.
I do see that he violated Florida's landlord-tenant law.
You can hire an attorney and have the attorney sue for you.
When you win, the landlord would have to pay your attorney's fees.
Trust me, a good shark attorney could win this for you, and make sure this bum paid him/her.
See if an attorney will take your case.
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