Taking legal action against my mother

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New Member
Alright, so heres the background...

i grew up suffering from emotional abuse from my mother which she continues to come over or call to this day and starts her crap.

this past weekend my friend came down to visit... whom which my roommate automatically assumed was my boyfriend and went and reported to my step-dad and my mother that i was spending the whole week with this guy. So she starts calling his hotel and harassing him so i just decided to go home. about 20 minutes after i got there here comes my roommate screaming... then my friend came back over to see if i was ok cuz I never called him back. While i was outside talking to my friend here comes my mother driving down the road. She jumps out of her car and starts screaming at me incoherent things and kept getting in my face. So I asked her very nicely to leave... and had my roommate do the same. She refused and I called the cops. When they got here she started making up crap like I'm suppost to be on bi-polar medication and that I need to be involuntarily locked up in a mental institution. Once it was all said and done the cop told my Mother she had to leave but that she could take up the involuntary instiutionalizing up with the magistrates office.

Since then she has gone EVERY SiNGlE DAY to try and get me sent away. Now look... i haven't lived or spoken to this woman in THREE YEARS and she suddenly starts playing the 'concerned' parent card... constantly calling... constantly trying to get me locked up for no reason at all... and she is just compleatly off her rocker.

So my question is... what kind of legal action can I take against her to get her out of my life for good? I looked into restraining orders and there isn't one that is for harrassment from a family member of the same sex... just opposite sex or physical harrassment or fear of physical harm. This crap really wouldn't worry me that much if I wasn't in my last semester of my Associates Degree and if I didn't just start a really nice high paying job a month ago. I mean it seems as though she will stop at nothing just to screw up all the good that is fiNalLY happening to me.

Thanks ne one that responds
You don't have to have any contact with any person not of your choosing.

I suggest you spend some of that money earned from your "really high paying job" to rent your OWN apartment.

That way you have no one ratting out your every move to other people.

If someone visits that you do not wish to see, call the police. Don't argue with them, don't answer the door, don't explain, just call the police. The police will order them to get off your property.

Don't call people you do not wish to have in your life. Stop letting other people use you as their puppet. They play the tune, you dance. STOP from this day forward. Don't explain your actions, don't justify what you do or why.

You don't require a legal remedy. You don't have a legal problem. Stop worrying what others are doing. As you see, she can't get you committed. Why? She had no standing. So, stop worrying about it.

Congratulations on your soon to be AA degree. Congratulations on your job, good work in this economy.

Room mates are more trouble than the little money you save. It's time to grow up and live on your own. Good luck.
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