Target on my back!!!

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OK, Here is the whole story. I work for a paper mill in Virginia. We have a security gate (why I don't know, we make 7000lb rolls of paper.) A policy change made all the incoming tractor trailer stop and check in. This created a bottle neck for employees coming to work to clock in on time. Several of my fellow employees ran on the other side of the guard shack, and all they got was a parking ticket from security. One morning I was running late and when I pulled in there was a truck sitting in the way. So I went on the other side. I got three days suspended w/o pay. I belong to a union so I filed a greivance based on no disciplinary action were taken for anyone else. It got denied by the company. We vote to arbitrate on Tuesday. Today I had an accident where I hit a pole and knocked the front clamps off my towmotor. This has been done probrably around 30times in the six years I've been there, all by different operators. In the area I work in , with the volume of incoming loads we unload, accidents will happen. This time HR had to get involved. They wanted to lay me off 2 days until the forklift trainer was back to work on monday. The union managed to get to trainer in tomorrow so I don't lose any time. But HERE is the reason I'm here. HR said that I could NOT return to work unless I sign a "LastChance" agreement. This will state that If I have any other kind of incident that I will be terminated. If I sign this then the union will not be able to help. If I don't sign I can't come back to work, and the union will fight for me, but I have 3 kids and I can't wait 9mo to 1yr without a paycheck. I believe that they have targeted me because I filed a greivance. These words came out of their mouth," If it were some one else, it wouldn't be an issue". This type of accident has happened before and nothing ever happened. I have had a couple of accidents, but well over a year has gone by(company policy says it can't be hels against me after 12 mo). My service record is clean except the guard shack incident, and that had nothing relevant to do with this. I am being harrassed and I need help.
If your involved in the union, go to them. Isn't that what they are there for?

I wouldn't sign a damn thing.
I am with a union, but the company went through a takeover and the union has lost their nerve. I am looking into trying to get the International Brotherhood of teamsters to come and talk to the employees.
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