Technology used for Privacy Invasion and IIED

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There is nothing that this (or any) internet forum can do to help you. Please seek out local professional help
There are facts stated- there has been at least one person utilizing monitoring and controlling technology to track my location, intercept my calls, texts, emails- etc- and be able to have backend access to all I see or do on my laptop and phone.

In addition to that as mentioned- that person has shared and manipulated information that's been obtained throughout the past over 2 years with multiple people- to illicit emotional distress on top of controlling my communication to others. That's the simplest way to explain what's been happening.

Provide whatever evidence you have of those actions to the authorities in Arkansas, Missouri or Federal law enforcement and if they have any weight some LE agency will act on it.

Feel free to give us an idea of your evidence and we'll be happy to tell you what we think the chances are they will be acted on.
Excuse me??! I was not bullying or trolling you. I gave you some good advice and followed that up with "Good luck". What is rude or bullying about telling you "good luck with that"? Your situation is unusual and you are unlikely to find someone that has gone through it...and I simply said "good luck with that".

Posting to a dead thread where the original poster has been gone for 2 years is useless and against site "netiquette". In the future if you wish to contact a member regarding their past issue send a private message to ask them about it. They will likely get an e-mail notification and you will have a better chance they will contact you. There is no reason to dig up dead threads.

I did that as well. And yes I fully am aware that it is an unusual situation, but it's actually not that rare to find other people that I've had tracking going on and technology manipulation- just not to the extent or length of time I've been dealing with it.

And yes as far as "good luck with that…" Comes across very sarcastic. when I am thoroughly explaining a very emotional, forced fearful situation that I'm barely surviving.
Honestly, I think your best bet will be to seek help from a mental health professional.
You'll note that I did not specify what field the professional help should be in.
I did that as well. And yes I fully am aware that it is an unusual situation, but it's actually not that rare to find other people that I've had tracking going on and technology manipulation- just not to the extent or length of time I've been dealing with it.

And yes as far as "good luck with that…" Comes across very sarcastic. when I am thoroughly explaining a very emotional, forced fearful situation that I'm barely surviving.
I didn't create your situation so attacking me, when I tried to direct you in a way for you to get help, is out of line. You inserted a "tone" to my post that didn't exist.

There is nothing an online forum can do to help you with this complex situation...You need to take your "proof" to an attorney who will be able to assess the situation and direct you. On page one of this thread I posted a link to the bar assoc and get a referral.
Honestly, I think your best bet will be to seek help from a mental health professional.

Wow! That's actually disgusting that you would even be saying that or treating someone(a total stranger) who does actually have proof of this happening- even if you a random stranger thought that- why post something like that?

Other than to make yourself genuinely look like an insensitive, disgusting human being?
Look at it this way, Nicole. Either you are right about what's happening, or you're wrong about what's happening. There are no other options. I'm sure you'll agree with that.

If you are wrong about what's happening, then a mental health professional is crucial.

If you are right about what's happening and you can't get anyone to believe you or to stop it, a mental health professional can help you cope with what is happening to you.

In any case, as was said before, this is not something a message board can do anything about. It was suggested to you earlier that you need a local attorney who can review things much more closely than we can do. That is still a valid suggestion and I recommend that you try it. If the cost of an attorney is an issue, you can get no- or low-cost suggestions by calling your state Bar Association, your local Legal Aide, or any law schools in your area.

Regular responders at this point there is nothing further we can do for Nicole. I'm going to ask that no one comment further at this time since none of the regular responders have had any such experiences as Nicole is looking for. I will leave the thread open so if anyone does happen by who has had a similar experience,they are able to respond. But any more comments about what Nicole may or may not need to do or see or visit at this time are going to be counter productive. Thank you for respecting her desire to hear further only from folks who have had a similar experience to hers.
Thank you! Any person that has dealt with any type of stalking by utilizing tracking or any techy Stuff- even underhandedly installing monitoring etc.

Yes, it's extremely frustrating to get on a forum and be told by total strangers that they don't believe me- why the hell even say that? what is there to not believe??? Anyone that says some thing like that makes their self sound more like they don't live in 2020 or have had zero access to much tech ever! Look around people, things like this happen daily but not to the massive extent of years ongoing as has been happening to me.

This is not some out of this world alien sci-fi thing- simple- there have been people utilizing a monitoring and tracking technology on my devices phone(s), laptop, and my vehicle- repeatedly. And using the Information obtained in this way to manipulate and continue control of my life and communication. Massively impacting my career, relationships- life and everything that includes- purposefully, intentionally and actively.

I have not had issues getting people to believe- it's all proved easy- The police and even attorneys(including some I paid retainers to only to later decide after further research they felt they didn't have enough experience to handle all aspects of the case or experience with tech to be able to in detail thoroughly explain it in court) as well as technology people do and have seen and KNOW this is happening and has happened. However the police have repeatedly told me to pursue the civil case aspect rather than criminal based on the proof I do have.

I do have a couple attorneys that I'm about to be meeting with. Even with that being said- it would still be incredibly Helpful to hear from any attorney or other victims that have had anything similar even the slightest thing and what happened in court and potentially what criminal charges were there to the person responsible for setting up the technology in the first place, As well as any people that participated as an accessory to the crimes.
why post something like that?

I've been posting on this and other legal message boards for most of the nearly two decades that I've been a lawyer and even for a couple years before that. I've seen dozens of posts like yours, and not a single one of them had any factual merit to it. The sort of paranoia expressed in your post is not an uncommon mental illness. The better question is why would you get so offended by my suggestion? There's nothing shameful about having a mental illness.

That's actually disgusting that you would even be saying that

There's nothing "disgusting" about suggesting that a sick person seek treatment. Why not give it a try? Worst thing that will happen is that you'll be proven right.
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