My son is 17. His girlfriend (18yrs old) just had their child early. The mother got sick with pneumonia and is currently intubated not able to speak. The baby is doing fine and will be going home. Her mother will be taking her home. My son is not able to complete paperwork for the birth certificate without her. They are giving the baby his last name. Does he not have any rights? He is still in school half a day. Does he have the right to go pick her up and bring baby to our house? He is licenced and insured to drive. They did plan to be together once baby was born. They have been dating for 2 years. I know my son is not financially ready to take care of this baby. He does work but not enough to care for a baby, but we (his parents) are willing to do whatever to help him financially for her. I do not understand how do they have the rights to take baby home and did not give him a choice?