Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Teenage son and alcohol ticket

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He was in the back seat and the driver had a bottle in her purse. He said they put a microphone up to him and filmed him, is this legal, I am not happy they did this. They gave him a ticket for knowingly drinking under the age of 21.
He was in the back seat and the driver had a bottle in her purse. He said they put a microphone up to him and filmed him, is this legal, I am not happy they did this. They gave him a ticket for knowingly drinking under the age of 21.
Who put a microphone up to your son and filmed him? Why?

If he was cited for underage consumption, presumably he either admitted to drinking or the officers had reason to believe he had been drinking. If he was cited for possession, then the case may be harder as they will likely have to prove he knew of and had some manner of constructive control over the alcohol.

What state is this in, and what code section was he cited for?

- Carl
He was in the back seat and the driver had a bottle in her purse. He said they put a microphone up to him and filmed him, is this legal, I am not happy they did this. They gave him a ticket for knowingly drinking under the age of 21.

In the future, please take a moment to post your question in the right forum instead of the first one you can see.

I don't know how anyone is supposed to make much sense of what is going on, as cdwjava suggests. I am guessing that you may not have heard the full story from your teenage son. I highly doubt that he got a ticket for knowingly drinking because the driver had a bottle in her purse. This is especially the case when there is a film crew on hand to corroborate events. We aren't getting a major piece of the story here and hopefully you can extract it from your son before you have to deal with it legally as it is crucial.
More on the subject and your response from me

We live in illinois, i don't have the ticket w/ me right now. Last night I asked him to tell me step by step what happened. I asked him, was she weaving and he said no, they were on a side street and went by a cop with his lights off then he came up behind them and then pulled them over, the cop said he pulled them over because they were after a pursuit on foot then he told them he'll be right back and if they moved that they would come to ours and their houses and arrest them. So they stayed there and he said about 7 minutes later they came back and had another car or van and people got out and put a microphone up to them and filmed them at the same time. I am really ticked about the whole thing, no one should publicly be filming my son. I will look at the ticket and seed if there is a code they broke or whatever. Now I want to be honest with you, this is the 3rd time something similar to this has happened. He is a great student , he is home every night (we give him a 10pm curfew on weeknights and 12:30am on the weekends. We have no problems with him, damn, he's an angel compared to me when I was that age. My perspective is these police (we live in naperville, il ) are harassing them, they are teenagers doing some experimenting and thats it. They are not in gangs, they get up every morning and go to school and come home. I am pissed. They are also doing this to his other friends also. I am like, how the hell do they keep getting them? Are they listening to their cell phone conversations and know where the kids are? We need a lawyer (like i have extra money to do this, i have 4 kids) i don't know what to do, but i do want to do something, sue them for filming him or, i don't know, call the freeken mayor and say what the hell is going on w/ your officers, leave the kids alone. I just don't know.
i'll see if there is a code on the ticket.
Thanks, Big time,
The film crew may have been a news crew - who knows? If the police had been pursuing someone, that would be news.

As far as the violation, your son will have to challenge the matter in court. But, like i said, I doubt that the officers gave him a drinking ticket because she had alcohol in her purse. He likely either admitted to drinking, or it was obvious he had been.

However, the code section will tell us what must be shown in court.

Also, the police are likely going where events lead them. If they stopped the car the girl was driving, they had to have reasonable suspicion to detain her. Something about the car or the driver apparently gave them that cause. If juveniles are a problem in the area, then that is who the police are going to focus on. Perhaps you are okay with kids "experimenting" (whatever that means ... but I can imagine) but most of the rest of us are not.

Please provide the code section when you find it.

if you think that your kids are not experimenting this is a wake up call. and most parents who do have teens probably experience it. He did tell me that he admitted to the officer he did have a drink. He came home right after it happened ( 11pm ). He wasn't slurring, swaying and he sat down and we were talking, he was fine. Your last response about your assumptions of me in regards to ( "the rest of us" ). I think I'll just leave your forum, I just don't need the assumption games, I am very serious about the situation I described.
Thanks for all your help,
if you think that your kids are not experimenting this is a wake up call. and most parents who do have teens probably experience it.
That does not mean parents should shrug their shoulders and give in to it.

I have seen the results of that kind of hands-off parenting ... not pretty.

He did tell me that he admitted to the officer he did have a drink.
Hence, the citation.

He came home right after it happened ( 11pm ). He wasn't slurring, swaying and he sat down and we were talking, he was fine.
He was not apaprently cited for being intoxicated, he was cited for a minor consuming alcohol.

Your last response about your assumptions of me in regards to ( "the rest of us" ). I think I'll just leave your forum, I just don't need the assumption games, I am very serious about the situation I described.
Of course you are. But, what legal defense do you think your son has? he admitted to drinking, he probably smelled of the alcohol, and the driver was in possession of alcohol. What defense do you have?

As for the camera - who knows? Perhaps you can ask the police department who they were and you can write a nasty letter to the news agency or whomever it was ... I don't know that any law was broken, but then, I am not in your state.

If you feel the officer was out of line in some way, complain to his agency. But do not expect the agency to stop pursuing criminals or problems even if they happen to be juveniles who are out "experimenting".

As for "the rest of us", I refer to the majority of people and parents who prefer not give in to children experimenting or taking part in self-destructive behavior. Most of us will struggle against that kind of deadly apathy as hard as we can.

- carl
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