Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft telecommunications harrassment

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: Ohio

I recently ended a relationship with a man who was cheating on me while using my credit cards and promising to pay me back, etc. Upon finding out about his other woman, I sent him to live with her. He sent me a few angry, threatening text messages which I reported to the local police. He has a questionable background, and I was concerned he could turn violent. We continued to communicate to work out logistics. We discussed the vast amount of money he owed me (I found out he had no intention of paying me back and all promises were empty), and I decided to pursue him legally in an attempt to get some of the money owed. Before I could begin, he contacted his local PD and accused me of phone harassement. I was warned by an officer not to contact him again. Four days later, I wrote a polite text offering one last time to settle things without litigation. I got a summons a week later charging me with an M1.

The complaint reads that I "repeatedly telephoned and text messaged" the complaintant after I was told not to by himself and the PD. Is this perjury on his part? Would they need phone records to prove this? Do all points of the complaint have to be proven true for me to be convicted?

I did consult a lawyer

He was actually very helpful; however, I will be representing myself for the first pre-trial. I admit to not having the best judgement recently regarding my ex. He got me so far into debt so quickly that I am currently making payments toward a bankruptcy attorney and cannot afford a criminal attorney. This is my first brush with the law, and I have been doing some reading (enough to be dangerous to myself, I am sure). If pre-trial does not go well, I will try to find the $1200 or so to hire the lawyer. I tried clinics through local law schools; however, they do not do work outside of the county. Unfortunately for me, the county I live in has such a backlog of violent crimes that they do not see my ex's death threats and theft through deception as an issue. I may file a civil suit against him in small claims since that is something I can do myself.

Thank you for taking the time to respond. Any other advice you may wish to offer would be appreciated. Perhaps you know of a good book that will walk me through writing motions...
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