Telephone Hassle

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New Member
I am being called by supposedly a lawyer and a police officer from Texas stating that I borrowed money from a Pay Day Loan company and owe them money. They are asking for $349 to start and there is more where that came from.

Needless to say I never borrowed the money in the first place and I believe these people are a bunch of crooks. Is there anything I can do to get them off my back.

I'd report the alleged police officer from Texas to your police department in Arizona. Real cops don't use their badges and authority to collect debts.

I'd change my telephone number, secondly. I'd make it unlisted, non-published. I wouldn't give it out to anyone but trusted family and friends. If I had to provide a number, I'd use the old one going forward. Don't even give your correct number to the pizza delivery guy!!!

Finally, I'd begin investigating this alleged debt. Someone might have used your ID illegally to get that money. You need to know if your identity has been compromised. Start with your bank and then pull your credit report.
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Or, alternatively, just stop talking to them. If you quit answering their calls they will find someone else to bother. I bet your local police won't be too interested since you aren't out anything yet.
Just don't answer the call (assuming you have caller ID), or hang up as soon as you find out who it is. Don't speak with them and don't negotiate.
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