Temp employee getting mixed signals

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My husband was hired on 12/15/11, thru a temp agency, to work at a warehouse as a picker. He was told by the temp agency that after working 480 hrs., he would be hired on as a permanent employee with a raise. (He retired as a picker with 30 yrs. experience from GM at 48 years of age--so he knows how to pick!) His current position entails that he pick an average of 120 parts per day, per the computer readout with no mistakes. He makes no mistakes, has gotten 120 numerous times, but usually averages between 110 and 115 picks daily. Management seems to love the fact that he makes no mistakes because most of the employees usually make some each day, but he has never consistently picked 120 items. (He has seen numerouse temp employees come and go for not meeting the quota.) He has found out, also, that most of the permanent employees in his area do not meet this quota either. And, to top things off, it's almost impossible to make this quota everyday due to the way management has the warehouse set up (i.e., heavy items [50 + lbs.] on top racks instead of the bottom, not restocking the same items in the same place each time, etc.). He was given an application by the plant and was told he would be given an interview, but that was over three weeks ago. He talked to the temp agency and asked them why, after he had worked the 480 hrs., he had not yet been hired permanently as they had told him. They responded that they were "surprized" and did "not know" why he had not been hired permanently and would check it out. That was two weeks ago. As for the temp agency "not knowing", they send my husband a check every week! I believe that the warehouse company has gotten some very nice tax breaks from West Virginia for locating here, if that info is of any interest to you. Anyway, what I would like to know is:

1. Is there any recourse that my husband can take with the temp agency for lying to him regarding permanently being hired after working 480 hrs? He has talked to approximately 60-70 temp employees from the same agency and they were all told the same thing.
2. What about the warehouse company? Is it legal for them to tell the state that they will hire/employ so many people and then not do it? Of course, I do not know this for a fact....yet, but I am pursuing this issue through other avenues and will soon know for sure. Regardless, though, it's still wrong to string people along whether we can do anything or not. I do realize this fact.

I appreciate any input you people can give me. Thank you.
1.) Not unless he has a legally binding and enforceable contract that guarantees full time employment after 480 days.

2.) Even if they did and even if it is, that's the state's call to worry about, not yours. And you are only guessing that such a promise was made.
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