temp to perm?

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New Member
I was hired as contract 7 mos ago. In mid Dec was told I would be perm (by my manager) Dec 31.
In mid Jan, was told it was a mistake and a manager wouldn't approve.
Everyone in my dept was told in a meeting in my presence that I was going permanent.
Is it legal to tell a temp employee that they are permanent, then say - no it was a mistake?
I receive no benefits - and am told to hang in there.
This is not legal Advice!

Your quote: "Is it legal to tell a temp employee that they are permanent, then say - no it was a mistake?
I receive no benefits - and am told to hang in there".

No it is not illegal to tell someone they maybe permanent and then say they have made a mistake. A mistake could mean anything, they may not have the funds right at this moment to make you permenent, as for the comment hang in there. This to you should be a blessing, it shows you are an important member to there team and they are trying to get something sorted for you. I suggest dont rock the boat and hang in there, all good things come to those who wait.

Good Luck

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