Tenant at will, Free Room and Board-Exchange For Services


New Member
I moved in with a couple, March 2016, whom I have known for 29 years. They offered me a place to stay for as long as I needed to get away from an abusive husband. After moving in it was discussed that in exchange for rent, they said I could have free room and board for helping with their six year old granddaughter and helping around the house. I have held up to this agreement and there has been no argument about this from them. I was out of state visiting family when something happened between them. He left the home to visit family and ended up staying in his car for a few days while traveling. He was in the area I was visiting and called and asked if he could take a hot shower and a good nights sleep. Of course, he is a friend. Needless to say his wife went off the deep end, verbally attacking him and me. He went back home to take care of his matters. She demanded I move out immediately. When I returned home two weeks later, he told her to leave because of her verbal and emotional abuse to him, their son and granddaughter. She had been out for four (4) days upon my return. She is still out of home, yet demanding he throw me out, she wants a TPO against me. She was told they have to evict me legally and properly. I gave a written 30 day notice to leave. Have not been given any type of notice (verbal or written) from him, being he is POA. He accepted my notice. She has verbally attacked me by showing up demanding I open my bedroom door, to which I did not nor say anything to her. Calling me names and told her husband she "wants to kick my ass". All in front of the six (6) year old.

She still wants to take out a TPO and have me evicted through the courts. She is also an Officer of the Law, thirteen years (13) years. He is not wanting any of this but to let me get my things together in an orderly time frame and move. They have never asked me in the seven (7) months of my tenancy for any type of monetary.

What are my rights as an at will tenant (or servant as I am now being called) in giving my notice and what are her rights as the spouse of the POA?
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Why don't you just leave?
These are, to use your words, "friends for 29 years".
There are times in all our lives when we make ourselves, or we become, "persona non gratis".
You're no longer wanted, or needed.
Its time for you to avoid the drama and find your own nest.
If you obtained gainful, lawful, paid employment, you'd be the queen of your castle, not a "servant".

As far as your question, you can eventually be evicted.
Sure, you can wait and allow the legal process to play out and you'll be evicted.
You'll also ruin your chance to ever rent decent housing for decades, if at all, and you'll further destroy your FICO score.
Do the right thing for everyone, leave.
Or, persist in forcing the hands of others, and eventually you'll aid in your own destruction.
I am leaving, in fact 3 days after i gave notice (not staying the full 30, although Georgia is a sixty (60) day notice) and I also have part-time paid employment. I want to know my rights if she shows up again harassing and threatening me while in the process of leaving. Oh and she is wanting to secretly video tape and pictures taken of me 24/7 while packing my things.
You can rely on the "law" and subject yourself to crushing emotional pressure for the rest of the notice period or you can engage in self preservation and get the heck out as fast as you can.

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