tenant complaints about landlord's children making to much "noise"

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First, let me explain our (my wife and I) situation so that you may better understand what is going on. We live in New York state in Steuben county in a town called Hornell.

We own the house in question and we (my wife, myself, and my 3 sons) live upstairs.

At the request of my best friend, who is currently stationed in Iraq in the US Army, we have provided a place for his parents and 2 children to stay since they have no where else (supposedly) to go.

At this current time my wife has not rewritten the lease for the tenants below, but due to the following situation(s), is seriously considering some drastic changes, and the fact that they (the tenants) would try to break the lease under some technicality. My wife is a first time home owner and she is not very knowledgeable about this stuff. We ONLY allowed them to be here since it was our best friend.

They pay us $400 dollars a month to stay here because they refused a government grant to rebuild their condemned home for free. Yeah I know, I would swallow my pride and accept a grant if it meant a new home that was built for free. I still can't understand to this day why they did what they did.

They are after being here now for over a year (which they were NOT suppose to be here for that long to begin with) starting to complain about my kids making too much noise.

My wife and one of my sons friends made an agreement with his friend to store his drum set in my sons room because he did not have any where else to put it. My wife and my son made a verbal agreement that between the hours of 1 pm and 5 pm daily that he could practice playing the drums. He already plays a guitar and is getting fairly good at it and wishes to add the drums to his expertise list of instruments.

For some reason this particular son of mine is a target of my tenants anger, in other words they always single him out as the cause of ANY disturbance that he may consider to be a problem in his eyes, even if it isn't his fault to begin with.

We have been living in this house for almost 10 years now, 9 of which we rented. We originally bought the house from our ex-landlords brother and have to pay a $420 mortgage, $237 water bill twice a year, $160 garbage bill, on top of constantly putting up with our tenants complaints about my son. I have to live in the SAME house and listen to the SAME noise when he plays the drums or whatever other complaints he may have, but I wasn't the one who call the cops.

The cops basically said there were NO complaints from the neighbors so there was nothing they could do about it (in other words if the neighbors were complaining my son would have to lay off the drum playing) and since we did own the house there was no reason for him to stop playing them as long as the neighbors around us didn't complain.

The officer told our tenants downstairs "if you can't put up with the occasional noise expected in living in a 2 family home, why are you renting from them in the first place?"

Well anyway this all happened within the course of the last few days starting on Friday afternoon when my tenant complained to my wife (who is the owner and landlord) when she was shoveling the snow from our sidewalk about our son playing the drums and she just shrugged her shoulders because she didn't know what to do and she didn't want to get all stressed out.

My wife is 42 and a cook for a nursing home here in our home town and has worked very hard to get where she is, let alone for us to be able to own our own home after renting for over 20 years. I am 48 and physically disabled with heart disease and collect SSI/SSD on a monthly basis.

We have been VERY fair and patient with the tenants downstairs and the fact that they are my best friends parents. But over the last few months they have seriously taking advantage of my wife and her kind heart and I am getting fed up with it.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
David Scouten
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Since these tenants seem unhappy with the situation (and appear to be making your life miserable in the process), why don't you consider evoking the "happy clause" which some landlords use.

The "happy clause" goes like this; you tell them "since you're unhappy with the noise, and we're unhappy hearing your complaints, let's end this tenancy now. We'll give you 30 days to find another place to live (and if a lease is still in effect, we'll just terminate it without you having to pay us for anymore rent after you leave)."

How could we write this in a form of a letter or notice and submit it to them? Would we have to get it notarized? I would assume this would be the case.

Thanks for the replay BTW!
David Scouten

One question. You say that your wife has not rewritten the lease yet. Does this mean they are currently not covered by a lease?

they do not currently have a lease because they were not suppose to be here, according to what my wife says anyway that was mainly my fault, i told her not to rewrite the lease and she wanted to anyway. she was planning on rewriting the lease at the 1st of January. She was afraid if she wrote a new lease for them they wouldn't sign it, so she didn't bother. She thinks she needed the money to help pay the bills, but now that I can collect SSI/SSD (i am physically disabled with heart disease). It's a long story, they are only here because of a request from my best friend i have known for 16 years, I made a mistake and trusted his judgement and the fact we didn't realize his parents were so disrespectful and really don't care whether we own the house or not regardless of a lease or not. Like I said even if they did have a lease they would find somehow to break it and cause trouble for us. like i said it was my fault and she listened to me instead of asking someone more knowledgable in this matter.

My son at my request as seised to play the drums to the satisfaction of the tenants downstairs. Basically he doesn't want to see his mom (my wife) get stressed out more until this can be resolved peacefully if possible.
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In the absence of a written lease, a tenant is considered to have a "month to month tenancy". It is FAR easier for either party to "break" this type of tenancy.

I've attached information on how one ends such a tenancy in your state...


Keep in mind that the notice must be in writing and must be given prior to the beginning of the new month. For example, if you present them with this notice before January 1, 2009, they have until February 1, 2009 to vacate.

Many tenants AND landlords like month to month tenancies because no reason for terminating the lease need be given.

I'd suggest following the guidelines for these tenants and getting them out of your life.

They still owe me over 3 months rent, they aren't going to give me their new address when they move. I know the eviction might take a while, but they moved in someone without telling me and i tried to call the police to get him out and they couldn't because my tenant denied that he lives there, is there anyway to get him out or prove he lives there?
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