Tenant eviction

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New Member
my father passed and has a rent house on his property and the property is now in my name. there was no lease, and i want to sell the property, but they refuse to leave ,they paid no rent for the last 4 months .they have been served with eviction papers but the judge refuses to set a date because of a paper needed to be filled out. the paper ihas something to do with military service , (both of them are not in military)but without their info we cant get it filled out due to no lease. everytime we go to get the info the call the police on us (the landlord) .what do i need to do to get these deadbeats off my property?
If you want them out you have to evict them.

That means you must follow the legal process.

They are probably using the Soldier and Sailors Relief Act. It affords certain privileges to active military deployed individuals and their dependents. It delays many collections and certain eviction actions. It is federal law.

I could help you better, if I knew what "paper" the judge is requiring and what information the judge requires.

Your deadbeat tenants might not be in our military, but one of the deadbeats may have produced a child by a deployed military person. That becomes a golden ticket to these creeps and allows them to benefit from a good law by perverting it to hurt you.

Get me more facts. I'll try to help.

Also, you can hire lawyers who will legally get these creeps evicted. They cost money, but most guarantee results and won't charge you if they fail. See if there are some in your area. Pay them, and let them fight this battle for you.

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