tenant forged landlords signature


New Member
My tenant sublet the property and when I informed them that I had another tenant moving in they refused to leave. Stated they had all utilities in their name. I contacted the water company and found that they had forged a rental agreement in order to get the water turned on. The water company has since shut the water off and even removed the meter due to squatters turning it back on. What are my rights as the owner and how do I get them out of my house without it costing an arm and a leg? The tenant who sublet the home moved back to Arizona.
My tenant sublet the property and when I informed them that I had another tenant moving in they refused to leave. Stated they had all utilities in their name. I contacted the water company and found that they had forged a rental agreement in order to get the water turned on. The water company has since shut the water off and even removed the meter due to squatters turning it back on. What are my rights as the owner and how do I get them out of my house without it costing an arm and a leg? The tenant who sublet the home moved back to Arizona.

I would have reported any and all crimes, or even the hint or suspicion of any crime to the police.
If things are as you say and forgery has been committed, I'm sure the police would be most interested in who did what and when.

Otherwise, you know the drill if the police can't help by removing the criminals by arrest, you'll have to evict them using your county court system.

If they were at one time legitimate tenants, rather than interlopers or trespassers, I would suspect that an eviction is necessary.

Hence, contact "911" immediately, request the police arrive to remove trespassers and forgers.

If the police aren't an option, it starts with you giving the ones you want evicted 3 day notice to quit.

This website from your CA courts lays it all out for you:

Guide for Landlords - eviction_housing_selfhelp