tenant harassing tenant

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New Member
Since last year 2008, I have been constantly verbally harassed by my directly above me upstairs neighbor. Since I have lived in the building a little over three years now, I have had maybe 2 or 3 extremely short conversations with her. And to be completely honest the harasser and her name never cross my mind UNTIL she harasses me! Not even when she is TRYING to stomp on her floor/my ceiling as hard as she can, I still never complain about her!
But, She has talked trash to me and about me to my other neighbors. Also, when I am in the apartment courtyard alone, minding my own business smoking cigarettes and playing my Itouch, is when she walks by me and blurts out "YOU'RE GONNA DIE OF CANCER!!!" or (and because I work as a server, I work very late nights and when I'm in the courtyard and hear keys or footsteps I tend to look in that direction, as any normal person would), but I apparently CANNOT when she is walking her dog or I get, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!". In which, I sat in my seat at the courtyard table stunned and wondering if that had just really happened!!!

I finally had a time when she harassed me in front of my other neighbor. I had previously explained to my other neighbor that I was being verbally harassed by the woman that lives above me. And low and behold she passes by us to get her mail. My other neighbor and I continued what we were talking about, which was NOT about her but, she all of a sudden turned around and screamed " DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM?????" My other neighbor and I both looked in her direction a little shocked and I responded back with a simple, "NO, do you have a problem?" I laughed it off and turned back to my other neighbor, who was totally in shock that she had just witnessed the odd harassment that I was being a victim of.
The woman WILL NOT leave me alone!!!! Today, November 23rd about 3:30 pm PST she caught me in the courtyard alone, but this time was different, the sun was out. I, once again and as always minding my own business at the courtyard table. Not even noticing anyone walking by when I hear, "YOU REALLY SHOULDN'T SMOKE SOOO MUCH, ITS GONNA KILL YOU!", I looked up to see who was talking out loud and it was her, my harassing/right above me neighbor! I wasn't shocked because I was alone and that's her style, I was shocked because the sun was still out! And all I reacted with was a smile and a head nod.
The manager of my building came about 1 minute behind her. I have told my apartment manager about all of the harassment I've been getting from this woman, I've actually told her every single time it has happened.
I need something to happen NOW. Several of the tenants at my apartment complex do not think she is mentally sound and mind. I am more afraid of her doing something, possibly to me and my possessions.
What advice can you give me? I love the building that I am in and definitely do not want to move!
There is little or nothing you can do about what you have described except move. I would get together with several tenants if you can muster them and threaten to moved en masse if the apartment manager doesn't do something. He can refuse to lease to her if he wants. I wouldn't hold my breath for that though.
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