Tenant in an Apartment is Serving Time in Prison.


New Member
Hi Guys! I would like to consult with you regarding my predicament. I live in California, and I am waiting for my sentencing in 3 months from now. Worst case scenario, I will serve time in a Federal prison and will be deported back to my home country. I am currently on a 12 month lease in an apartment, and only tenant in the apartment unit.

I would like to consult with you what to do with my apartment lease. I really don't know what to do. Surely I don't wanna face any civil lawsuit regarding my apartment lease agreement while i'm in prison. Or add more time in my time sentence And eventually delay my deportation. Is that possible?
Your input is highly appreciated. Thank you so much and Blessings to you all.
If sentencing is three months away, there really isn't anything you need to do yet. In fact, if your LL finds out you've been convicted he may just evict you anyway.

Meantime, I suggest you start putting aside some money so you can negotiate a buyout of your obligations when the time comes.

Paying is always a good way to avoid a lawsuit.

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