Tenant Issue

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New Member
Hello, this is my first time posting on the forum and would really like any available advise possible.

I have an issue with tenant who has "moved out." On Agust 23, 2009, a tenant who was renting a room from me, (It should be noted I live in the same house.) lease expired. He had been coming and going off and on from late July to mid august moving bits and pieces of his items. I learned from a friend whom talked with the tenant before he vanished that he had rented from another location. The last time I saw him was on August 13 and the last time he came by that I know of was August 15, (he left the door to the room open and I noticed he was coming by while I was at work.)

He still has items in the room, but he hasn't paid rent or bills since August (All of which were a part of his lease.) Also he left a bag of trash and other items that has caused a pest infestation. He no longer has a security deposit due to a breach in contract (continued smoking in the house which he recieved several warnings before I pulled the deposit.) The room has a broken window, damage to the walls, and trash. I have documented all of this.

I have no viable means of contacting him and I need to repair the room as soon as possible because I have another person whom is interested in renting the room. I was wondering what my options are, if I could simply remove the items after 30 days of not seeing him and declare the property abandoned
There is no absolute usually in cases like this. I'd say that if he didn't return for the items in 30 days and you have no contact information, I'd also consider the property abandoned. If you sell it and use it to make good on your debt, then it's up to him to come back and sue you. If that went to court, which I doubt, do you think he'd ever win? It's mostly about leverage and I think you understand the issues perfectly well. Good luck.
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