tenant issues

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New Member
My fiancé and I are young and moved in our first place together. When deciding where we wanted to move we of course went through the leasing consultant. They were having a special and told us that if we applied for the apt that particular day and pay a holding fee of 100 dollars that it would hold the rent to 840 per month instead of the original rent of 1040 per month. so we pay the holding fee so our rent for the year should of only been 840 a month but when it came time to sign the lease they raised the rent for us and told us if we didn't like it we can get a refund and leave. So we stayed and we had an agreement to 890 per month because we already had plans to move. When our first month rent was due I tried to pay it online and it said amount due 1073.00. I called the consultant told me she would call me back but never did. The following day I went down there the PM (property manager) wasn't there they told me to come back when I did the PM wouldn't speak to us. So we made an app. to see her the following morning. When we went to our app she wouldn't come out. We recorded everything and every time we spoke to someone. We ended up calling corporate he came and spoke to us. He said he would call us and let us know what's what. We never got a call from him almost a week later my fiancé called him. And he said he spoke to the PM and she was supposed to call us that Friday because we have an app on Thursday, today is wed!!!! I guess corp. called the PM and asked about it she told him that she called and spoke to us already. And she told him her employee lied on her because she didn't say she wasn't going to meet with us. But we was there and seen it all. She called my fiancé phone asking why he keeps calling corp. he explained he not trying to get her in trouble and she cut him off saying the last thing she is worried about is getting in trouble etc. I have copies of where we signed the lease and concession addendum and after we signed someone went into our file scratched out the PM signature and our agreement price and wrote in another price. They then printed out another form with the new price printed on it but we never signed it and we never knew about it. I have my receipts from what we paid for our first month rent as well.
Do you have an actual legal question that we can try to answer?

In other words, what do you wish to accomplish?

Does your lease specify the amount of rent you are to pay on a monthly basis? If so, that is your legal document regarding your rent amount.

Do you live in a state where you can record someone without their knowledge (if you did not tell the folks on other side you were recording them)?

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These people are playing games with you! Take your original lease you signed and the altered document and consult a Lawyer
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