Tenant moved out and left various items behind


New Member
We (my spouse and I) agreed to rent the 2nd bedroom of our home that we own. We rented the room to someone that we have known for many years and for all intents and purposes viewed her to be extended family. So here's the issue...

We had originally made a verbal agreement regarding moving in. Amount of rent/frequency of payment, the term of the lease (month to month) and allowance of her pet was discussed during this conversation. All utilities (gas, water, sewer, electric, trash, cable) were to be paid by us as we own the home, also specified during said conversation. We also explained that would should have a signed lease to cover all bases. These items were all spelled out from the beginning and agreed upon by both sides.

Tenant moved in at the end of September. Tenant was asked about paying rent in October, received verbal and text message conformation that rent would be paid, which did not happen. November came, did not receive rent, instead received an excuse about car payments. At this point the lease we created was still not signed.

At the end of November we asked about rent payment again and we were told that she was waiting for her new checks from the credit union so she could pay. December came and still no payment. We reprinted a copy of the lease that was never signed and we created a notice to pay. Both were physically handed to the tenant. In our notice to pay, we requested current rent for December and back rent from October and November and included a pro-rate amount for September to be paid by the 9th or she would have to leave.

Tenant packed up part of her possessions and moved them out at 4:00 AM on the 8th. She has not made any contact with us, did not say where she was going or that she would be back, and of course did not offer any money towards rent. She did not take all of her possessions with her though. Things left behind were things like clothes, shoes, TV and TV stand, movies, and books.

It is my understanding that even though a lease was never signed, a verbal agreement is a valid agreement regardless in my state. What I do I have to do with the items left behind? Do I have to give 10 days for them to be claimed (this was not an eviction)? Is this considered abandonment?

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