Tenant Or Landlord??

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New Member
In my business the floor sink got stock field up with sand. call the profesional and they had to dig? the pipes was all broken over 20 feet all the way to the main line. property manager say it is my responsibility since the pipes are inside my store but both plaumbing company saying is the landlord responsibility since the pipes are complity broken and there is no way i could maintain the pipes.
So please help me to undrestand is it my respomsibility or landlords?

Thank you
Broken pipe, bacuse the main line which is the 4" lind was blocked up and broken cause our pipe block as well. sand came in because loos soile and broken pipe as well fron the floor sink.
Today they run the camera to the main line and we all could see how bad is blocked and broken for 5 feet and that how far they could puch the camera to the main line. the issue at this point is tha water flowing under ground even to my next door from the main line and it might sink in soon or later and this is according to comersial plumbing company.

Thank you
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