tenant rights with bad landlord

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Ok about 3 months ago my landlord got fired and we receieved this new landlord who is the sister of the lady that owns our apartments. She comes in an starts making all of these rules up. She tells my dad that we cant cuss or use foul language outside or in my own home. Then she tells us we can't hang out outside of our apartment. My car has been broken into five times in the last 5 months and they wont put up a gate to our parking lot. She is starting to run this place like a concentration camp . One of my neighbors she keeps harassing and she even locked a gate that goes behind his apartment to the PG&E meter and cable wire. He then jumped the fence so she calls the cops on him. She also says we can't barbecue outside on our balcony.
She says we have to ask her if we have friends over and if she says they have to leave then we have to make them go home.
First of all i have rented before and i am almost sure she cant tell me not to use vulgar llanguage in my home isnt that what our country was founded on the first amendment and freedom of speech. She is also black , which im not predjudice but she is moving a lot of black people in our apartments and trying to evict everyone basically that is white. She wont fix the antennas for our tvs on the roof and even some of our neighbors air conditioners are jacked up. what can i do this lady is treating us like were in a concentration camp and wont even let us play music in our own house .
Right now i cant afford to move or i would deffinately do that. So does anyone have any advice?
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