Tenant Threatening To Sue over Tenant Screening

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I recently just screened two tenants using tenantverification.com. One of the two had ok credit but the tenant had outstanding credit and more income. Due to this I choose to rent to the tenant with the better income and credit. However a not long after I began to be hassled by the one with lower credit. He keeps claiming that its discrimination. While the fact that he is in his late 20's and the other tenant is 20 years older woman was something I noted it wasn't the reason that I choose her over him. I still have all my documentation proving that his credit was significantly lower and the applications with the income. If he takes me to court like he is threatening does he have a leg to stand on?
You didn't discriminate against anyone.

Your property has standards.

When he applied for a unit, he gave you permission to conduct a credit check.

He failed to meet your standards.

He has no case.

He'll find out he can't sue you.

He can't afford an apartment,how's he going to afford a lawyer?

He certainly can't litigate a discrimination issue in small claims court.

If a lawsuit or a discrimination case is brought, you have nothing to fear.

Make sure you take all documentation with you.

You won't lose.
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