Tenant vs Lanlord Complaint


New Member
I rent a room in a owned home in GA. The landlady and her husband live here too. There is no paper or documentation, rental aggreement or lease whatsoever. Only an (verbal) agreement for a month to month rent and residence. Now there is and has been an ongoing fighting and arguing between the owners of the home where I currently rent. They are an older disabled couple. The husband is severely 100% from military service. He has PTSD, severe mobility issues. He is on and off medications quite mentally disabled constantly antagonizing the wife and general houshold.

I cannot live under these conditions, the drama is almost on a daily business except when he leaves to get away,
Problem is I am on VA compensation, social sec. retirement and if I pay the rent for the next month I donot have enough to save to secure other living arrangements.
So the landlady (home owner) I pleaded with her to pay her half and to let me be able to save more this next month (April) to be able to find another place. She demanded full paymet for April and said if I did not pay the full amount She would throw my personal clothes everything out on the street and make me leave the premises that very day. By law and my described circumstances above can she by right do this? I have already established residence and adddress here sing mid-February 2017.

I have already established a mailing at this address since February 2017.
I rent a room in a owned home in GA. The landlady and her husband live here too. There is no paper or documentation, rental aggreement or lease whatsoever. Only an (verbal) agreement for a month to month rent and residence. Now there is and has been an ongoing fighting and arguing between the owners of the home where I currently rent. They are an older disabled couple. The husband is severely 100% from military service. He has PTSD, severe mobility issues. He is on and off medications quite mentally disabled constantly antagonizing the wife and general houshold.

I cannot live under these conditions, the drama is almost on a daily business except when he leaves to get away,
Problem is I am on VA compensation, social sec. retirement and if I pay the rent for the next month I donot have enough to save to secure other living arrangements.
So the landlady (home owner) I pleaded with her to pay her half and to let me be able to save more this next month (April) to be able to find another place. She demanded full paymet for April and said if I did not pay the full amount She would throw my personal clothes everything out on the street and make me leave the premises.

I have already established a mailing at this address since February 2017.

If she or he wants you gone, one or both will have to go to court and request a hearing.
Now, you'll eventually be evicted, but it'll buy you the time you say you require.
However, nutballs and mentally deranged people can suddenly explode and play "whack a mole" with a sledge hammer and your head while you're sleeping.
Your spidy senses might be tingling for good reason, mate.
At any rate, an eviction will further drive down your FICO and make renting decent housing almost impossible.

It might be best to get yourself some headphones, go in your room, shut the door, and listen to some tunes to IGNORE the two old maniacs.
The alternative is to pack up your stuff at the earliest possible moment and leave without paying anything and immediately file a change of address with the post office so they don't play games with your mail.

Once you are safely away from the toxic environment with your money in your pocket, you'll have some leverage to offer a settlement that you will get in writing.

In the future, I suggest you NEVER again rent a room in somebody's house.
In the future, I suggest you NEVER again rent a room in somebody's house.

If I were ever faced with a disastrous financial situation of renting a room in someone's home or apartment I'd become homeless, or buy a tent and disappear into the wilderness.

Our ancestors made it, and so could I.

Facing a cougar, a pack of wolves, a rabid coyote would be a better fate than living under the thumb of some maniac.
If she or he wants you gone, one or both will have to go to court and request a hearing.
Now, you'll eventually be evicted, but it'll buy you the time you say you require.
However, nutballs and mentally deranged people can suddenly explode and play "whack a mole" with a sledge hammer and your head while you're sleeping.
Your spidy senses might be tingling for good reason, mate.
At any rate, an eviction will further drive down your FICO and make renting decent housing almost impossible.

It might be best to get yourself some headphones, go in your room, shut the door, and listen to some tunes to IGNORE the two old maniacs.
Thanks, they probably won't hit me sleeping, but the lady will sure give me hellfire. Thanks fir your reply. T.H.
The alternative is to pack up your stuff at the earliest possible moment and leave without paying anything and immediately file a change of address with the post office so they don't play games with your mail.

Once you are safely away from the toxic environment with your money in your pocket, you'll have some leverage to offer a settlement that you will get in writing.

In the future, I suggest you NEVER again rent a room in somebody's house.

OP, you can IMMEDIATELY forward your mail to General Delivery.
You'll have to visit the Post Office daily to get your mail, but it'll be safe.

The address would be:

Mr. Jasper Jaguar
TAMPA, FL 33602-9999

"GENERAL DELIVERY" is the actual address line, and "9999" as the ZIP+4 also means general delivery.

If it were Houston

Houston, TX 77077-9999

You substitute the PO and Zip Code for the city you will pick up your mail.
The landlord may be able to boot you out faster since it is owner occupied, but certainly not overnight. Not legally anyway.
If you are booted illegally you will have options to consider, but it sounds like your options would be limited as these owners likely don't have the means to pay any damages owed.
As above- the faster you get out on your own the better.
I'd bet they would not pursue you for unpaid rent if you bail out early. Keep your money and move out now. If they make demands for payment you can negotiate a settlement later.
The landlord may be able to boot you out faster since it is owner occupied, but certainly not overnight. Not legally anyway.
If you are booted illegally you will have options to consider, but it sounds like your options would be limited as these owners likely don't have the means to pay any damages owed.
As above- the faster you get out on your own the better.
I'd bet they would not pursue you for unpaid rent if you bail out early. Keep your money and move out now. If they make demands for payment you can negotiate a settlement later.
Thanks MM, I was not quite ready to move, no real viable option, yet, so I paid the month and I do now have two moving options came up after, on the table. So I will meanwhile look for more and stay here for the 3 weeks in April. Since the boss lady would not negotiate a half month rent, demanded full, 500.00and could care less @ my situation willing to throw me and my things out with no mercy I will use my time & wait till I have secured new accmodations and just leave in the last week of April without giving her notice. This is fair because if I did give her 30 days , she would place an ad, and if something did not go as I planned she is the type that would throw me out. It errks me, I am partially disabled Vet, I work here on their property for their benifit, and pay over a third of my income for the rent. I am 62 and have had it with the selfish people.

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