tenant vs occupant

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New Member
I am a sole tenant on a lease and had 1 occupant listed. The occupant gave me a 30 day notice to move out and demanded his security back of $2600. We came to the agreement that I was going to have the place inspected for damages and deduct all and if any damages which he was responsible for. There were two items listed (broken door in his bedroom, and cleaning since he left his room a mess and left heavy furniture in there which had to be removed for other occupants who took his place). I deducted the appropriate amount from the $2600 which was $150 and cut him a check for the remaining amount which he cashed already. Now he is demanding receipts from the actual cleaning service and building for the door he broke and is suing me for them. I was under the impression that information is all that I am obligated to submit to him, not bill. I sent him the line items which were deducted and cost already. Can he sue for lack of receipt, or win in court stating that I deducted too much because I don't have them? How should I proceed.
If you charged him $100, be ready to prove you spent $100. If you can't, he'll win. Besides the amount in dispute, the amount might be doubled or trebled in some states.

If you lose, he can also get you to reimburse his filing fees and court costs.
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