tenant vs tenant

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I signed a lease with someone on July 1, 2008. I met her on a Friday at the end of June & we signed the lease to start on 7-1-08, She was going to jail that Sunday night & I was trying to help her so she wouldn't lose all her belolngings she left all her belongings behind with the understanding that when she got out we would continue to share the apartment splitting the rent & utilities. She came out at the end of September & started coming to the apartment on the first weekend of October, staying Thursday & going back to her mom's on Monday afternoon. I knew she didn't have a job & would soon be getting one. She stayed on the same days all through October & November. When i asked her for 1/2 the utilities she said she would rather put her stuff in storage & pay $100 a month than pay 1/2 the utilies which is about $66 I did not press her for the rent by rights I think I could have requested rent back to July1, 2008. Our lease is up on January 31, 2009. I do have another tenant ready to move in but she will not move her stuff. She originally said it would be out by December 13, 2008. She did remove her livingroom suite and bathroom items. What are my rights & can I sue her for back rent & utilities or charge her for storage of her items.
Send her a letter saying she has until January 10th to get her stuff out or it will be disposed of.

People can sue for whatever they wish (and since you two signed a lease together there is evidence that she owes half the rent and utilities) but honestly, if she has no job, and appears to have a questionable history, how do you expect to get money out of her? Simply winning a judgement doesn't guarantee this.

I agree with Gail. Trying to sue this person will only waste your time and money. Just send the letter and get her out so you can have a new roommate move in.
Best of luck.

Thank you for your advice, does she have any rights since she has paid the deposit before I moved in? The landlord will not give her deposit back untill the lease is up, Jan 31 2009
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