tenant vs tenat

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New Member
yes I would like to know what is the statue of limitations on me suing my roommate for breaking her lease causing me to have to pay her end out of my social security money. she promised the landlord that even though she was not living here she would make good on the rent and never did. after many attempts at contacting her failed of course he contacted me and I had to pay out of my social security money. NOW he gave me a letter to take her to court being we were both on the lease saying I would have to file a civil lawsuit which i am fine with but due to medical surgeries i have been delayed in doing so. With the landlord legally backing me do i have a chance to sue for money damages due me? He stated to the both of us if we BOTH are not in agreement with one breaking the lease then the one leaving would still have to fulfill the contract on there end.
Yes; you have an excellent change of winning a judgement against your former roommate.

Keep in mind that winning a judgement and actually collecting what she owes may be two different things.

Does she work and if so, does she work in a state where wage garnishment is allowed?

tenant vs tenant

Hi Gail,

Ty for your response yes she is in the state I am residing in and does the fact that I have delayed the lawsuit matter because I have had multiple medical issues requiring surgery? Is there a statue of limitation on this matter? I thank you for you answer to my last question it gives me some kinds of hope and I have a feeling she will not pay and then I will have to ask the judge to garnish her paychecks. I even offered during tax season for her out of court to settle Half the amount and the only way I can get in touch with her is her aol email of which i sent a correspondence to in the matter and have gone through a third party friend/boyfriend as well.
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