tenant wont leave

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my brother-in-law and sister-in-law are my tenants and they agreed on lease to fix any repairs. because they were aware that i was moving to north carolina. my brother-in-law and sister-in-law was getting evicted from where they live. and they ask me to help them. but they tampered and damaged the electric box and now they have no electric or water and i ask them to fix it with a lisence electican and they will not fix it but they are living their with their children.so i told them if the problem cant get fix they cant stay living there. but now he is pushing to get the house condmned what can i do.
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Report them to the police for damaging the box.

Call child services and report that the kids are being forced to live in a home with no electricity.

They'll come out and investigate.

They might take the kids, too.

Call the electric company an tell them.

The only way to get them out is give them a letter to vacate.

Then bring an action to evict them in court.

You can do it or hire an attorney to do if for you.

Only a court can order them out.

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Don't get child services involved. That's serious. Tell them to fix the box or you will evict them. Tell them that child services could find out and take their children. Have you ever thought that they may not have the money to fix the box?

Ultimately it is your repair regardless what the lease says. In many states the landlord can not assign his duties (such as repairs) to the tenant.
it's hard to do that because they are family and even then that they are hurting me and trying to destroy me i dont know what to do without hurting the kids.
it's hard to do that because they are family and even then that they are hurting me and trying to destroy me i dont know what to do without hurting the kids.

If you do NOTHING, it will only get worse.

Ultimately, you will be charged to repair their damages.

In fact, if you do NOTHING, they can sue you for keeping them in the dark.

By damaging the box, they committed a crime.

They were stealing electricity, because their power had been cut off for not paying the electric company.

Are you going to wait until a fire starts and burns the property down?

Its your property, and your choice.

Choose wisely!!!
oh my god my mom just called me and she says they paid someone without a lisence to fix the electric box and the electric company put the power back on what do i do now i tried calling the code inspector but he wasnt their. i tried calling the police but they said that is a matter of the courts. i call child protective services and the lady said they can live with out water and power because it is summer. i am scared that my nieces will get hurt if the house burns up because they paid a mickey mouse guy to fix it
hi i wanted to tell you that they paid someone to fix it but the person wasnt a lisence electrican and they got their power on as we speak. i called the police but they told me they can't do anything. i have to wait intil monday to speak with code inspector. what can i do
hi i wanted to tell you that they paid someone to fix it but the person wasnt a lisence electrican and they got their power on as we speak. i called the police but they told me they can't do anything. i have to wait intil monday to speak with code inspector. what can i do

You'll just have to wait.
You can keep an eye on the place in the meantime.
You can also pray.
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