Tenants dispute

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New Member
hi, my roommate and i rented a unit with month to month lease. Both our names are on the lease, all the utility bills are on my name, all the furniture in the house belong to her(besides my bedroom). Now she is back with her ex boyfriend( they split after some unpleasent circumstances thats why we moved in together) and she wants him to move in and suggessted i moved out. At the same time i stated that i am getting married and would like my fiance to move in -suggesting she needs to say what she wants to do. Also for the entire time she has been looking for another place since she has never been fully happy with this place. Now she totally wants to stay in the appartment. I suggested i would financially help with her move but she just tells me reasons why its better for me to move somwhere else with my future husband. I moved in with her because she was desperate for help because of the person she asks me to move out for? This makes no sense for me??
what are our rights in this case??
In the long run, you will find it much easier if you move out and find a new place for you and your husband when this lease is up.

OR... if the landlord is willing to let her boyfriend take over your part of the lease and let you out of the contract, then you are free to go immediately.

Also, if you choose to remain for now, you can likely prevent the boyfriend from moving in at all if he had not received permission from the landlord (who would likely ask for your own consent). The landlord would even be allowed to raise the rent if another person moves in.

It isn't worth fighting over... Once either your husband or her boyfriend moves in the drama will increase ten-fold.
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