Tenants vs Lodgers/Guests




I own my home and live there. I invited a friend and his girlfriend to move in with me because they were homeless and I had the room. There was no lease or rental agreement signed and they have never had jobs, never paid rent or utilities. Yes, I am aware I created and encouraged this situation, but now I need some help.

They have lived with me for a year & a half. The girlfriend has become erratic, threatening, destroyed one piece of my property and after an argument, she sent me a text message saying that they were moving in 60 days. So,

1. Is the text valid, legal notice?
2. Are they tenants or lodgers, guests, squatters?
3. Am I required to give them legal notice that I want them out of my house?
4. Do I have to go through and eviction or can I consider them trespassers now? Because I want them out of my house.
5. I have threatened to evict them, but that is all.
6. The girlfriend also has legal issues and has begun to engage in financial fraud.

I appreciate any/all help and advice. I need them gone quickly. Every day, when I go to work, I wonder what kind of shape my house will be in when I return.
Read this:

Abuse & Harassment - abuse_selfhelp

Read this:

Restraining Orders - abuse_selfhelp

Read this and do as instructed ASAP:

Ask for a Restraining Order - dv_abuse_selfhelp

Otherwise, this may be your only hope:

Criminal Protective Order - Superior Court of California

Forget that guest versus renter nonsense, it takes too long.

You do as your state court instructs, you'll have peace within 12-24 hours AFTER you've filed PROPERLY!

You try to evict, you'll be lucky if they're gone by Labor Day, maybe even Thanksgiving.

When you do get them out, protect your home.

Your home is for you to live in peace, not a flophouse for bums, addicts, bullies, thieves, dead beats, and scammers to trash!