tenat threatening tenants and refusing to allow new tenants to move in

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:(:confused:My uncle has been staying at my home for months for free, i informed him i was renting out the rooms and he asked his friend rent the one bedroom, (theres 3bedrooms total) and i allowed it his friend paid 560 a month, that was in May, then in september he met a girl my uncle moved her in without asking, i allowed it under the condition she pay 375 for the smaller room, my uncle got jealous over her and his friend and forced his friend out through threats in the middle of october, without my permission, i was very angry and then his girl and him took the bigger bedroom again without permission. but they agreed to pay the rent increase and difference but she didnt pay the increase for 3 months so she owes 600 dollars and he still failed to pay anything, including the 1200 he cost me by illegally throwing out my previous tenant(his friend), now this month he got a cat which i informed him was not allowed, he refuses to get rid of it and ontop of it i found a new room renter and he wont allow them to move in, they were supposed to move in last week and my uncle changed the locks so i cant get in, and said if i try to bring the new tenant there will be problems. He said i can evict them and thats the only way ill get him out or anyone in but if i do hell damage my home. What can i do? hes never paid anything so can i evict him faster? can i go after his girl and/or him for the lost income? Is there ANY WAY i can force him to let me(new keys) and my new tenant in before i loose the new tenant? What can i do hes not being reasonable, costing me tons of money, threatening to destroy my home and its belongings!!!! What can i do, i need to protect my home and i cant even get in and im afraid of him and what he might do? my last tenant left and got a restraining order so theres proof of his violence and as i said hes never paid a cent, his girl has but owes money and she lives on social security and they state thats ONLY for her rent they will not pay for a free ride for my uncle as i also feel i shouldnt have too,so i have proof that her payment does not include him, i need a speedier eviction than 30days or im gonna loose my new tenant, my homes gonna be recked and i cant get in my own house...HELP please any advice would be SOOO APPRECIATED!!!!:( Basically i need advice on how fast i can evict him, what i can do about the money she and he owe me (he is the only one i need gone asap), what about the cat, how to protect all my stuff all the furniture/appliances are mine? is there anyway to force him to allow my new tenant or they wont rent from me it will be tooo late? To get keys for my home cause he changed the locks? To protect my house from damage? I really need help hes gonna cost me everything and who knows what damage hell do!!!!
I didn't read your whole post... it is a very messy situation.
Lesson learned, document these tenants as if you are landlord.... meaning have them sign some sort of agreement and stick to it.

If someone owes you money and you want them out, begin the eviction process. Start with a written demand for payment. Document everything you do from here out, evict them, and don't make the same mistake again.
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