New Member
I was fired by my former employer several weeks ago, and I am trying to determine if the so called no compete paragraph which was in the employee handbook is binding. I was made sign the handbook after 5 years of employment and at that time was given no consideration for signing. The no compete states as follows " The employee agrees that for one year after termination or leaving, he/she will not give any information to any person, persons, company, partnership, or corporation about any accounts or business sources of company x. Also the employee agrees that he/she will not sell, solict, or service any accounts or business sources of company x in x county or a fifty mile radius of x county for 1 year". Now the way I read this it does not acutally say that I cannot go to work for another company just that I cannot sell, solict, or service any of the customers of the company I had worked for for a year. Am I reading this correctly?