Termed after resigning - help please

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Hi all, I used to be Wendy a couple of years ago on ahi pubs and am so happy to have found this site with so many familiar names. I need help in explaining a situation to future possible employers and seek your help!

I have worked for the same smallish (150) person firm for almost 4 years. I was hired to set up and run an HR department after they had asked the previous person to retire - she was a book keeper/ secretary with no real HR experience. She did payroll and covered benefits but not much else other than finance/accounting work.
I created a great and respected HR dept and did well for most of the time there other than having to pick up the same finance/acct work that the previous person had done which made my hours at work very long. I got great reviews, 5% raises and bonuses each year. I became the go to person for everything HR/employee related. The problem was that with me alone as the payroll, benefits, ER, compliance, IT, finance and party planner etc made my days very long and often included going in on weekends to finish up non-HR and HR work. I haven't taken a vacation in 3 years. I worked, got home, ate and fell asleep.
In October 2012 I had a discussion with my husband who encouraged me to look for something new and get out of there. He said we could afford it and it would be fine. I met with 2 headhunters in November discreetly and somehow that got back to my boss who fired me in January after I submitted my resignation on the 17th of January. He literally sat me down and lectured me on loyalty and all of the favors he had done for me and how I was ungrateful and generally a bad person who would never work in the same industry again. He said he had known about my treachery for a while...
Seems he was right. I have had 2 interviews with companies in the same industry and each passed even though my experience and record is very good. One headhunter told me that they had heard that I had "issues" and might have a drinking problem. The second company passed with no word why.
How do I move ahead of this? My previous mentors tell me to just explain that while I know it's bad form to speak badly of previous employers to just point out that this was a bad fit for me. That we had opposing views on the value of HR...
I haven't had an interview in over a month and I feel like a leper. I have reached the point where I don't know what to say to any potential future employers.
For the record, I do not have a drinking problem and was never drunk at work or even any of our holiday/summer parties. I did speak to an atty who wants 5K just to begin the process of representing me to shut them up but I can't really pay that.
Can you guys advise me on how to handle this in interviews? I can tell the truth that I quit because I could and then got termed and that it was a bad fit but c'mon, we all know you never quit a job without having another. I may have completely screwed up my entire career and life.
(FYI - "Firing you after you resign is called, accepting your resignation early).

Hi, Wendy, I'm glad you found us here. As you may remember from your own HR days, what a hiring manager hates worst of anything is being blindsided. You might want to consider letting any headhunters or hiring managers know up front; "The manager of XYZ was rather upset that I left and as a result is letting his personal feelings color his references. I'd rather you spoke with someone in HR (best if you have a name) or these co-workers who can vouch for my performance."

Others may have additional thoughts.
Agree with cbg - be up front about your resignation. Do you have other references you can give who you believe will give you a "good report"?
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