Terminated - defamation exist towards insubordination

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I was recentely terminated at my workplace for insubordination. It was indicated to me that I refused to return back to work numerous times after returning from a doctors visit. This was false. Defamation! It was the word of the VP and Safety Mgr against myself. Can i prove defamation even though a document falsely indicates me refusing to go back to work to discredit the Safety Manager taking sides with the VP? This safety manager was just intimidated by the VP and I think he felt his job was threatened I would not have refused under any circumstance to refuse to return to work knowing the fact that it is insubordination.
Before you can claim defamation, you need to show first, that false information (not that the speaker honestly but mistakenly believed it to be true, not that he misunderstood, not that he mistook you for someone else, not that he jumped to conclusions based on incorrect or incomplete evidence, but that information that he knew or should have known was false, was provided to a third party and that as a direct result of that communication you suffered measurable damages as the law sees damages.

If you believe that you can show that (and the burden of proof is on you) then speak to a local attorney.
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