Criminal Records, Expungement terminated-expunged case

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My employer somehow found through a thorough background search that I had a grand theft ($300) chrarge that was no action and supposedly expunged.All employees are at-will and they felt it was best to terminate me even though I have done nothing wrong at this job. Can they do that? And how the heck did they find it if the county and fdle have no record of the case??? I can't even start interviewing anywhere else if this case is still floating around somewhere! Please advise.
Can they do that? Probably (it depends somewhat on your State's laws) but did they terminate you because of your criminal record or did they terminate you because you lied about it on the application form? If the latter, then you have no recourse.

And how the heck did they find it if the county and fdle have no record of the case??? Ya got me. Obviously some record of it still exists somewhere.
Yes it is legal for them to fire you. In most states they do not have to have a reason. You need to find out why this is still on your record if it was expunged.
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