Terminated for unknown reasons and employer held last paycheck

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I went out of the country for my job with guarantees that were in place. After arriving to where I was supposed to be I found out the guarantees were in fact not there. I was supposed to work there for 9 and 1/2 weeks only to be sent home after 11 days because the job fell through. Before leaving the country my employer gave me an advance in pay because they postponed my trip for 4 weeks. We had a contract stating it would be paid back while working overseas over the 9 weeks I was supposed to be there. After returning home my employee held my last paycheck and after I questioned it he said it was because of the advance but the advance was to only be paid back while working over seas. And I also was told my employment was being terminated and was not told why. I had good standings with this company, no complaints or problems have ever arose so I'm not sure why they have terminated me. My question is do I have any legal grounds to do anything about this?
You have legal standing to show your contract to an attorney in your state for assessment. A message board cannot interpret the terms or enforceability of a contract they have not read.
I went out of the country for my job with guarantees that were in place. After arriving to where I was supposed to be I found out the guarantees were in fact not there. I was supposed to work there for 9 and 1/2 weeks only to be sent home after 11 days because the job fell through. Before leaving the country my employer gave me an advance in pay because they postponed my trip for 4 weeks. We had a contract stating it would be paid back while working overseas over the 9 weeks I was supposed to be there. After returning home my employee held my last paycheck and after I questioned it he said it was because of the advance but the advance was to only be paid back while working over seas. And I also was told my employment was being terminated and was not told why. I had good standings with this company, no complaints or problems have ever arose so I'm not sure why they have terminated me. My question is do I have any legal grounds to do anything about this?

Your case is far too complex for a simple Q & A session on the 'net.

However, as you were working outside your home nation, I can pretty much say that you'd have to bring suit in the nation where you worked. That presumes, you have a matter upon which you can seek legal redress.

You were also a contract person, and not an employee. That in and of itself provides you little (if any) legal relief, other thna under the the contract you allege to have existed.

I suggest you discuss this matter with an attorney in your area.

The initial consultation is normally free of charge.
I was an employee, read the post again. The contract was on a pay advance, not my employment. And I have gotton legal council. Was unaware that these boards were not for advice?!? If there not, then what is the soul purpose of them again?!?
And I also was employed by a company in the US who I went with overseas to do a job for them. So my matter is with the company here in the US that I was employed for and not overseas. Retread the post to get all the facts straight.
The point you're missing, Sarah, is that we cannot see the contract.

That's why you need to show the contract to an attorney. Then again, since you apparently already have counsel I'm not sure why you posted?
Whether you are an employee or an IC is irrelevant. You have a contract; we cannot read the contract; therefore we cannot tell you what the terms of the contract are.
I don't think you will have much luck claiming payment for work that was not actually performed. If all the employer has done is recover the advance then it seems you broke even. I would not waste my time fighting over money I did not earn.
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