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New Member
I have worked at store for fourteen years. ten years in ga and four in kansas. my grandchildren were took from the parents . I had to transfer back to ga to get them. when I got here the give walnuts around me would not let me transfer unless I went part time. that would mean I lose everything i've paid for all those years. so now I guess they terminated me. I have never been write up or coached for anything. just a month before I transferee they have me the sans achievement award. I never thought they would do this to me. now I have two little boys and no job.
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You can't negotiate the terms and conditions of your employment any more than you can the wages.
An employer isn't required to explain why you're terminated.
Longevity on a job means nothing.
There are some exceptions if you're covered under a union contract.
Even then, these days employers can still fire you and let you fight the termination through the legal process.

In your case you have two options: file for unemployment and seek new employment.

Ain't much love on this planet these days.
You don't really pose a question just a statement of facts. If the question is along the lines of "can they legally do this?" Yes they can. Your personal situation and your need to move is just that, personal. It places no requirement on the part of any employer to accommodate you with a transfer. They offered you part-time. It was your decision to refuse their offer. So technically they didn't terminate you. You quit.
The company doesn't have to allow you to transfer at will. If you choose to transfer, and there is an open position at the new location, the company has the option to offer it but is not legally obligated. The transfer is for your benefit, not theirs. They do not have to create a position for you because you wish to move. If the only position at the location you wish to move to is PT and your employer is willing to allow the transfer, that is all you are entitled to. It is always wise to secure employment before making a major move, especially when children are involved.
If you are out of a job, file for unemployment ins. It never hurts to file. However, you might not receive it because the UI claims person might very well consider this a quit. You don't get UI when you quit. You might want to start looking for a job right away if you aren't already.
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