terminating bilogical grandparents rights after adoption

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After 4 years, we were finally able to adopt my greatniece. During this 4 years, her maternal grandmother has had visitation of one weekend a month. CPS told us all along that after the adoption it would be left up to us if these visits would be allowed to continue. At the adoption, we found out that these visits would be continued. I am not against Grandparents rights, but in this case, visits with the grandmother are not a good situation for our adopted child. The grandmother has allowed our child's bilogical mother who is a known drug user to have access to our child which was against court orders. Now that we have adopted this child, how can we get these visits stopped? The court told us at the adoption that this child was ours now just as if I had given birth to her. Don't I as a parent have the basic right of saying where my child goes? I know in my heart that this grandmother will continue to allow my child's biological mother to have access to my child on her monthly visits.
You already know the answer. Yes you can deny visitation now. They on other hand can peition visitation continue. Then you state why visitation was halted. For now you do nothing include allow visits
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