Termination of Disability/Special Needs Trust

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: OH

I am 44, married and severely disabled by illness. Several years ago, had a trust created to receive my private, long-term disability benefits to assist in qualifying for Medicaid home-based services in Ohio. Trust grantor is my father, trustee is my wife and beneficiary is me.

While recognizing the trust, the state still included my disability income when evaluating my Medicaid eligibility. Basically, the trust was of no use in helping me enroll in the program. Therefore, I never received any Medicaid benefits nor do I intend to in the future. I'd like to terminate the trust as my disability benefit checks are being issued to the trust in care of my wife, the trustee.

What is the easiest way to terminate the trust? Can my father as grantor simply write a letter to me indicating the trust is terminated or dissolved? Does my wife as trustee have to be involved? Any other thoughts would be appreciated. Kind Regards. ;)
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