Termination: Right or Wrong


New Member
On Tuesday March 22, 2016 I informed my supervisor that I wasn't feeling well. I went home later on that day as I had to wait for my ride. I called out from work from Wednesday March 23, 2016 until Sunday March 27, 2016. I was scheduled off Monday March 28, 2016 and Tuesday March 29, 2016. So I returned to work Wednesday March 30, 2016. I went to Personnel to give them my doctors excuse and I was informed they had terminated me while I was out. I was informed I could talk with a co-manager about the situation. When I went the the co-manager and he investigated. He came and told me that he was told I had gave up my vest and badge and left to go to the movies. I explained to him the reason I gave my supervisor my vest and badge. I usually keep my vest and badge at the store. I have been trying to talk to the store manager and I don't know if he isn't getting my messages or is avoiding me. I called the Market Manager and he said I had to give my Store Manager a chance to correct the situation first before he could get involved. I called him again after I spent a week trying to get in contact with my store manager and was unsuccessful. I have not heard from anyone in about a week. It's been almost three weeks since I have been out of a job. This is unprofessional and ridiculous. Can I Get Some Help Please!!!!
A person can be fired during call outs or leaves. So a person can be terminated without cause or notice. I didnt even get an exit interview. Or real reason why I was fired. I just think this smells funny.
Hold the fort here, partner. You're getting WAY ahead of yourself. I see a red flag or two. Let's get a little info here.

OP, please answer a couple of questions.

How long have you worked for this employer?
How many employees at your location?
In the last 12 months, have you worked, for this employer, a minimum of 1,250 hours?
What turned out to the nature of your illness?
Hmm, dude worked for a national retailer or grocery chain. Hint: vest & badge, terms store manager, market manager.
Do you know what FMLA is - did FMLA apply? You can answer cbg's questions re FMLA. Re the 2nd question do you work at a location with 50 or more employees within a 75 mile radius?

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