Terrible misuse of child support benefits


New Member
Hi , im 19 years old now and my dad has put my mother on child support for the last 18 years. His misuse of the money mind blowing, not only did he kick me out when i was 17, he never took care of me with the money . he uses the money for his personal use and kicked me out of the house with nothing
he never took care of me with the money .

Sure he did. He put a roof over your head, fed you, clothed you, paid your medical bills, school supplies, and a myriad of other expenses that involve raising a child.

That he kicked you out at 17 only means that it was up to your mother to file for a change of circumstances so that she wouldn't have had to pay him anymore and maybe get him to pay her if you went back to live with her.

If you are wondering if you are entitled to any money from your father, you aren't.
Hi , im 19 years old now and my dad has put my mother on child support for the last 18 years. His misuse of the money mind blowing, not only did he kick me out when i was 17, he never took care of me with the money . he uses the money for his personal use and kicked me out of the house with nothing

The custodial parent (male or female) could use the child support money (every penny of the money) to pay for hookers, buy cocaine, gamble it all away at a nearby casino, or allow his/her current sexual partner(s) to use it for their offspring; the law doesn't care.

The CP could buy steaks, and feed you hot dogs made of chicken parts, for every meal, the law doesn't care.

The CP could save every dime of that money for a trip to Paris on your 18th birthday for his son by another woman, and the law still won't care, as long as you had three hots and a squat.

The money was for the use of the CP, potentially to assist in the care and feeding of a child.

Some CPs like to live large, while their kids are forced to live "microscopic".

Guess what, son, the law still won't care!
Did you have a roof over your head? Clothes on your back? Food in your belly?

Were the lights and the heat on? Was there water in the pipes?

Then as far as the law is concerned, your father's use of the child support money was appropriate.

Had you said something to them at the time, the authorities *may* have had something to say about your father kicking you out when you weren't 18 yet. But now it's going to be too bad so sad, hope you're in a good place now, see ya.
As long as you had a place to live, food to eat & the bare necessaries, your Dad could use the child support as he saw fit. It's too late now to bring up you were thrown out at age 17. No money is due to YOU.
There is a common misunderstanding in what Child support is and should be used for. Simply put its NOT buy the child every luxury they desire. Its for (as mentioned) to help with food, shelter,clothing etc.If you had all those then support was used for what it was intended. If the support payments allowed the parent receiving to well then the non custodial parent should have sought reduction.

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