Terrorized by Section 8 neighbors

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This has been going on for 7 months. A couple in their 40's moved in and then allowed their grown children to move in on the original section 8 grant, although they are not supposed to be there. The son told me that he and his 2 sisters were living there 'under the radar'. We feel that we are being terrorized. Their 26 year old son had told me that we get on his nerves ( he is a drug addict, this is a fact that I am aware of). He will repeatedly slam the bathroom door, which is connected to the adjoining wall, with such force that pictures have fallen off of our walls, glass has fallen from shelves. He also does, on a daily basis, lift heavy furniture and then drop it so that the shaking in our house is like a constant earthquake. Of course he doesn't care about where he lives - it's not his house. My husband and I are senior citizens and not equipped to fight them. I reported the extra people living there to HUD and even called the landlord, who talked to them once and then told me that he wasn't going to talk to them again. I called the police the last time my house shook, they said to call the local HUD office or to see a local judge about mediation. I have been going over to that house for 7 months, being polite, asking what was the problem, why were they so angry at us. The son told me that he can hear me banging the dishes in my sink when wash them and it annoys him. He also said that my vacuuming bothers him. I am frightened and imtimidated by him and have tried to accomodate him, but the harrassment continues. We are living in fear. Would hiring a lawyer help?
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